Still fightin' that good fight, getting ready for a comeback...

Crazy to think that 2022 marks almost eight years I’ve been running the blog, and it’s crazy, and somewhat embarrassing, to think how little I’ve been investing here, these last few. From a time perspective, though I think about it a lot, my motivation to write, create, and develop content, has suffered greatly. My passion for shooting still exists and is a focus on my goals sheet for 2022, but I’ve found myself fishing less and less, and lacking desire to share the little content I create.

It’s funny how you can often find yourself doing things because of the people involved. That’s one of the things I love most about fishing - the people and places it brings you to. But it’s also, honestly, been one of the reasons I’ve fished less and less over the last couple seasons. Having a falling out with some of my best fishing buddies has definitely impacted my desire to fish, but also helped me rediscover some of my favorite things.

As I work to reignite my passion for creating content, I’m happy and proud to note some changes that might be seen here on the site. Coming this year you might see some portraits of my kids, product photography, a few fishing trips already on the calendar, and lots more golf related content. It’s been a blast over the last couple of years to see how much crossover already exists between golfers who fish, and fisherfolks who golf. I’d love to explore that more.

I’m challenging myself to be better this year, with the goal of rebuilding my confidence. To enjoy shooting and editing more photos, more often, writing and sharing more stories and poems, and to worry less about everything and everyone else.

Thanks for tuning in and hope you enjoy the adventure!